Saturday, April 01, 2006

I can smell the coffee..

...and a whole lot of other things that countless men processed through their digestive system and deposited right there in that pretty pink structure right smack in the middle of.. practically every public place in Metro Manila. XP

I don't see the point catering to men peeing into walls and posts and glorying the motherfucking habit of these people. No, I haven't used one, and never will. I've been to Bangkok, Singapore, and Hong Kong and I don't see any similar structure like what your eyes see here. And for that matter, I haven't seen any place in those cities that reek of stale piss.

Is it me or is this country really going down one of those "pisspipes"?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

those things are icky alright..XP there was one of those things located near UDMC in Welcome Rotonda. back then when i was still studying for Nursing, I walk my way from the jeepney stop to school. that pink thing is located right across the road where i was walking and yet, you can still smell the awful stench from that distance...XP