Sunday, August 05, 2007

Bite me!

Nothing beats cupcakes in a Conga line. Especially when they make a bee-line for your taste buds! XD

I went out yesterday for overtime work and afterwards, I got me a 6-pack box of GoNuts Cupcakes! The whole country was in an uproar with the new GoNuts delicacies over the past few weeks and judging from the über-tasty morsels that are Gonuts Donuts, it would be a 3rd degree murder not to try!

The cupcakes are packed in a neatly organized box so it won't go rave-dancing during transport and share bodily fluids, er, cupcake toppings with each other. XD The varieties I got with my first purchase were the German Choco Crunch, Dulce de Leche, Scream Cheese, Mexican Mocha, Buttercrunch Toffee, and Double Chocolate.

The white chifon cake on the Scream Cheese is especially tasty, and Scream Cheese easily gets my "I want some more!"(tm) award. XD The choco cake on most varieties is somewhat dry, but still tasty. After all, nothing beats a bite of chocolate. :)

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