Sunday, April 09, 2006

Pennywise a.k.a. "IT"

suoh12 must be evolving as he can 'tag' four people simultaneously in the time it takes to click "publish post" XD


How many schools did I go to?
Lessee.. St. Peregrine Insitute in my hometown for pre-elementary to 3rd grade; St. James School of Paranaque for 4th grade to highschool; University of Sto. Tomas for half of my college education; and AMA-University for the completion of my bachelor's degree in ECE - FOUR-NYO!

Was I the class "taiko" or the teacher's pet?
Short answer - "No". Long Answer - I have the charisma of a garden rock so even if I wanted to, never would have been able to.

What was the biggest rule I broke in school?
Lol, disturbing a classroom. I got berated in front of my classmates for that stunt. That was it. Tame huh?

Three subjects I enjoyed.
Drafting / Fine Arts; Science; English

Three teachers that inspired me.
Dr. Johanna G. Hashim (UST) - Gave me the 'instinct' for the English language; Mr. Concepcion (SJS-P) - The love of art; Ms. Bernadette Magtulis (SJS-P) - Concentration.


Pink said...

hun, you forgot to tag 4 people ^^;;

Anonymous said...

nice lay cool

x.t.ian m.m.g v1.0 said...

^^;; Well hun, in that case.. I tag, Huangke, Neil and Arashi Rei. XD

@ Faith - thanks! It's really very very nice. ^.^ The layout was made by my lovey-dovey. ^^