The owner of the above car is:
A) A Dan Brown fan
B) A Tom Hanks fan
C) A Ron Howard fan
D) An extremely satisfied Dan Brown fan that is thankful that the movie script did not deviate much from the novel
E) An extremely sarcastic Dan Brown fan that is pissed that the movie script deviated much from the novel
F) Someone who is the victim of either A, B, C, D, or E.
G) You?
h) someone selling pirated dibidis and bisidis of "The Da Vinci Code" XD
i) a poseur who thinks proclaiming to the world that he/she watched/read/worships "The Da Vinci Code" indicates superior intelligence and class XD
I can't think of anyone else who would plaster his/her car with dumb signs like that =P
I mean, it was fun to read, but hardly awe-inspiring =P More like junk food for the brain. Give me Katherine Neville's "The Eight" or heck, even "The Magic Circle" anytime XD
"I" is a bit brutal. ahehe.. ^^;;;
j) is either dick gordon or lito atienza promoting the movie. (coz of the WOW! word on each sign) XDXDXD
k) someone who is not definitely aligned with those funny people that are pursuing the ban of the movie in local theaters. XD
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