Sunday, July 29, 2007

"UN"-Suspension of Disbelief, In a Good Way

While I was "Googling(tm)" for more info about my long lost Rings of Power, I came across a website which totally grabbed me and kept me in its grasp for a long, long

I-Mockery has got to be the most insulting thing you can ever encounter.. that is if you take yourself, your beliefs, and the things around you way too seriously. :) An encounter with the website led to some insights, most of them humorous, which we might have never thought of. The website's staff's attention to detail will give you second thoughts about something which you might have never even noticed. Think of it as a "get back down to earth" rude awakening.

The first article I went into was "Sexual Moments in Video Game History" (due to the Naughty Dog Splash Screen from my previous post). Here they expose some unintentional sexual inuendos made by video game dialog and sprite animations plus some way too blatant suggestiveness too weird to even imagine.

Then I was onto the other articles and sections like Pixel Pals webcomic, a review of the Michael Bay Transformers line of toys, and humorous highlights from the Star Wars films.

Before you do go, please remove all inhibitions and please remove all desire to send hatemail and probably make complete fools of yourselves. Just like the hysterical, weird lady passenger who screamed "YOU'RE GOING TO HELL!" at us in a bus when my colleague discarded a religious organization's flyer after it was handed to him by a volunteer. O.o

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