Saturday, December 03, 2005

Adios Friendster Blogs

As my wife pointed out (she had to drill a hole the size of the moon through my cranium to get the message through), I'm sorry, the free friendster weblog sucks lol. It took me weeeeks to finally realize it. And it took me 2 minutes to create a brand spanking new blog on blogger *hugs blogger*.

I was too busy and deep in design rut to even consider switching at first. Maybe watching too many zombie movies finally got me out of my online catatonia lol.

So we're off to a fresh start, and down with the 'chronicles' in blog titles! Sorry Blackwing. XD


Pink said...

Whee, welcome to Blogger, hunny-bunny! *wub* *wub*

We chose the same initial template lol...great minds think alike =)

x.t.ian m.m.g v1.0 said...


didn't know that. lol hehe.. ^_^