2007 heralds the coming of the ultimate gadget for us shwingers: the very toight, the very shexy iPhone! *applause* *applause*
Author Disclaimer: No, this is not some lame "state of the nation" crap-tastic ego-trip. Thank you very much. :)
Anyway. Nothing defines ultimate gadget eye candy and functionality for gadget lovers (like yours truly) like the iPhone. It combines the functions of an iPod Video and a mobile phone with a wi-fi connectivity in a design that seems the word "sexy" was actually defined for.
I caught sight of the gadget in a cover of Mac Life magazine earlier tonight. The word "Amazing" was used to define this marvelous invention of Steve Jobs and his people at Apple. Hey, just looking at it and how you operate it and what it can do for you, really, "Amazing" seems fitting enough a word.
I've read of the gadget ever since its launch last June and since then, there's been mixed reviews of the iPhone. Basic mobilephone features are not present and problems like activation (you need to download the latest iTunes to activate it) and no support for custom ringtones (wtf?) plus lack of support for common web objects like Java in the Safari browser and no support for removable media (iPhones are only available in 4Gb or 8Gb versions).

Internet Sources say 2008 is the target for an Asia-Pacific release. Maybe I'd have enough munny by that time when the phone is released. I'll start whacking more weeds and hurting Heartless with my keyblade starting tomorrow. XD
Well before that fateful day arrives.. I'll be with my ay! Phone... shown here in this lovely photo. LOL
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