Saturday, June 24, 2006

People look different here, kupo..

A shot of a moogle hiding in a flower vase.

I finished the Pirates of the Carribean world in Kingdom Hearts weeks ago. It made me think about those comments Sora, Donald and Goofy made when they first entered Port Royale. They all commented how things look different and how things felt different and exciting. At first I did not get why they were saying such, until Will Turner (Orlando Bloom's character) showed up.

For those not familiar with Kingdom Hearts, it's a game made by Disney and Square-Enix compiling characters from both worlds and adding a fresh new cast of its own. An omni-present character in Kingdom Hearts and Square's Final Fantasy Games is the moogle (a sketch of which is shown left). Now imagine seeing one that moves, lives and breathes on its own in front of you.

Now I imagine how Sora must have felt seeing Will Turner and Capt. Jack Sparrow. Although I would be really freaked out if I still see anyone turn into zombie or ghoul in the presence of moonlight, fantasy or reality. O.o;;;

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