Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Singapore Chronicles - 02

Date : 22 May 06
Time : 12:45 H

Just 4 hours into the training (which I will not post about, with due respect to the nice people at Sorin/Stoeckert - one of them said the guys from Terumo might read it and gain insight into the rival company.. she was joking ofcourse.. but still), I went out and took a little sight seeing into these cluster of buildings collectively known as the Singapore Management University.

According to the SMU website, they are the newest university in Singapore and boy, the people who built this place are really world class. They have patterned the university after Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, primarily, and they have the facade to show it. I am quite impressed. As in.

Each college and unique facility are housed in separate structures occupying an open compound in the district of Bras Basah. Kind of like University of the Philippines. Only, these are very much brand new (as you can see from my snapshots). Only the turnstiles (actually glass gates) keep away uninvited guests from entering. There are gates for visitors though I haven't tried to approach one. ^.^V

Each building is made with liberal amounts of glass, steel, marble (what looks like marble anyway), and flora. Which makes for very beautiful structures. Enjoy the shots.

Oh, you can visit the university on the 'net at www.smu.edu.sg


Anonymous said...

one thing i like about Singapore. the place is clean.^^

Pink said...

because the people are disciplined enough not to throw trash on the ground, pee on the walls/posts and write graffiti everywhere ^^

i know they say it's a "harsh" society, but really, i'd prefer a bit of that "harshness" if it would clean up our country. why do people think democracy = the freedom to pee/defecate/fornicate/strew garbage everywhere?