Friday, December 30, 2005

Ancient Relic

Having a relic of a PC has its several obvious downsides that reared its ugly head this unfortunate time of December. Shortly after I posted my previous post, our computer's monitor went kaput. XD

After a long long battle with an inane repair person (2 weeks) and a short skit with a weird but skilled repair dude (3 days), the monitor was repaired. Finally. For you guys, steer clear of repair shops that have little or no diagnostic tools as the repair skills of a repairman is not very apparent at first glance. The inane guy couldn't find what was wrong with my old black monitor for a span of 2 weeks. The weird guy found out what was wrong with it in 10 minutes flat.

Then, after a short celebration for having the monitor repaired, my PC went kaput. XD

I had to spend a few more hours transferring the important innards from my PC to Hansel (it's the name of the PC my wife used before, don't ask XD). I had it up and running, sure, but not with the results I'd expect. Right now I'm still struggling on how to correct the stuttering audio output.

Ah well..

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